Carbon capture and sequestration : an option to buy time?
The thesis assesses the contribution of technology option of Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) to climate change mitigation. CCS means that CO2 is captured at large industrial facilities and sequestered in goelogical structures. The technology uses the endogenous growth model MIND. Herein the various climate change mitigation options of reducing economic growth, increasing energy efficiency, changing the energy mix and CCS are assessed simultaneously. An important question is whether CCS is a temporary or long-term solution. The results show that in the middle of the 21st century CCS has its peak contribution, which allows prolonged use of relatively cheap fossil energy carriers. However, this leads to delayed introduction of renewable energy carriers. The technology path ways are accombined with different costs of climate change mitigation. The use of CCS delays and reduces the costs of climate change mitigation. However, the delayed introduction of renewable energy carriers leads to reduced technological learning, which induces higher costs in the longer term. All in all the temporary use of CCS reduces the costs of climate change mitigation costs. The result is robust, which is tested with various uncertainty analysis.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Bauer, Niclas Alexandre |
Publisher: |
Universität Potsdam / Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät. Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
Subject: | Endogenes Wirtschaftswachstum | Klimaschutz | Technologiebewertung | Edongenous Economic Growth | Climate Change Mitigation | Technology Assessment |
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