Comparative study on the collection of data to measure the extent and impact of discrimination in a selection of countries: Medis project (measurement of discriminations): final report on England
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Stavo-Debauge, Joan |
Other Persons: | Scott, Sue (contributor) |
Institutions: | European Commission / Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (contributor) ; INED Economie & Humanisme (contributor) |
Subject: | Diskriminierung | discrimination | Einwanderung | immigration | Gleichberechtigung | equality of rights | Menschenrechte | human rights | Rassenpolitik | racial policy | Sexualität | sexuality |
- Introduction
- I - Anti-discrimination legislation by ground for discrimination
- II - The role of the independent authorities
- III - Anti-discrimination public policy and legal provisions requiring the use of statistical tools
- IV - The census and the "Ethnic question"
- V - Appendix
- Bibliography
Reversing the burden of proof : Practical dilemmas at the European and national level
Farkas, Lilla, (2015)
Clément, Martin, (2004)
Pay equity after the equality act 2010 : does sexual orientation still matter?
Bryson, Alex, (2014)
- More ...
Clément, Martin, (2004)
Dahan, Jacques, (2008)
Stavo-Debauge, Joan, (2005)
- More ...