Emissions pricing, "complementary policies" and "direct action" in the Australian electricity supply sector : some conditions for cost-effectiveness
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Naughten, Barry |
Published in: |
Economic papers : a journal of applied economics and policy. - Richmond, Victoria : Wiley Publishing Asia, ISSN 0812-0439, ZDB-ID 1184385-8. - Vol. 32.2013, 4, p. 440-453
Subject: | emission pricing | climate change | electricity sector | direct action | complementary policies | Elektrizitätswirtschaft | Electric power industry | Australien | Australia | Treibhausgas-Emissionen | Greenhouse gas emissions | Klimawandel | Climate change | Emissionshandel | Emissions trading | Luftverschmutzung | Air pollution | Strompreis | Electricity price | EU-Staaten | EU countries |
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