• Executive Summary
  • 1 Introduction: Objectives, scope and coverage of the evaluation
  • 2 Overall methodological approach
  • 2.1 Data collection and analyses
  • 2.2 Sample of countries and interventions
  • 2.3 Challenges and limitations
  • 3 Background and context of regional - level EU support to Asia
  • 3.1 The Asia context
  • 3.2 European development co-operation rationale with Asia
  • 3.3 Inventory of regional-level EU support to Asia
  • 3.4 Intervention logic of EU co-operation withAsia
  • 4 Answers to the Evaluation Questions
  • 4.1 EQ1 on strengthening inter-regional dialogue & partnership
  • 4.2 EQ2 on regional added value to economic integration
  • 4.3 EQ3 on added value to regional integration in non-economic fields
  • 4.4 EQ4 on environment, energy and climate change
  • 4.5 EQ5 on higher education
  • 4.6 EQ6 on support to uprooted people
  • 4.7 EQ7 on regional strategy
  • 4.8 EQ8 on added value of the regional approach
  • 5 Conclusions
  • 5.1 Relevance, strategic focus and co-ordination
  • 5.2 Outcomes
  • 6 Recommendations
  • 6.1 Enhancing the added value of the regional strategy
  • 6.2 Increasing outcomes of sectoral efforts
  • List of tables
  • List of figures
  • List of boxes
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10011625004