• List of acronyms
  • Executive summary
  • 1 Introduction
  • 1.1 Purpose of the report and study objectives
  • 1.2 The EU’s enlargement policy
  • 1.3 Past EU support to the pre-accession process
  • 1.4 The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance
  • 1.5 Method
  • 1.6 Structure of the report
  • 2 The problems addressed
  • 2.1 Introduction
  • 2.2 Problem 1: The need to realise the benefits of enlargement
  • 2.3 Problem 2: Gap between the conditions in candidate countries and potential candidates and those in the EU
  • 2.4 Problem 3: Lack of readiness to implement EU programmes and related obligations
  • 2.5 Problem 4: Challenges in the current implementation arrangements for IPA
  • 3 The baseline scenario 2013-2018 and the European added value of a future programme
  • ...
  • 4 Policy objectives
  • ...
  • 5 Policy options
  • ...
  • 6 Assessment of alternative policy options
  • ...
  • 7 Key modifications to the delivery of IPA considered
  • ...
  • 8 Monitoring and evaluation arrangements
  • ...
  • Annexes
  • Annex 1 Path towards EU Membership
  • Annex 2 Background on beneficiaries
  • ...
  • Annex 3 Pre-accession programmes prior to IPA
  • ...
  • Annex 4 Component structure and delivery mechanisms of IPA
  • Annex 5 The findings of the online consultations
  • ...
  • Annex 6 The benefits of enlargement and costs of non-enlargement
  • Annex 7 Beneficiary development trends
  • Annex 8 Detailed budget assumptions of the policy options
  • Annex 9 Draft intervention logic
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