- Acronyms
- Executive Summary
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1 Why these guidelines?
- 1.2 What is environmental mainstreaming?
- 1.3 Environmental mainstreaming and climate change
- Chapter 2: Why Mainstream The Environment, Including Climate Change?
- 2.1 The environment and sustainable development
- 2.2 The environment and poverty reduction
- 2.3 The environment and security
- 2.4 H uman rights, governance and the environment
- 2.5 Gender and the environment
- 2.6 E nvironmental sustainability is a high-level commitment and obligation for the EC
- 2.7 A ll sectors are concerned: environmental opportunities, constraints and impacts
- 2.8 The added value of environmental mainstreaming
- Chapter 3: Environment, Including Climate, In The Multi-Annual Programming Phase
- 3.1 The Country Environmental Profile
- 3.2 Integrating the environment, including climate, in the CSP and NIP
- Chapter 4: Environment, Including Climate, In Sector Policy Support Programmes
- 4.1 Identification
- 4.2 Formulation
- 4.3 Implementation
- 4.4 Evaluation
- Chapter 5: Environment, Including Climate, In General Budget Support
- 5.1 Identification
- 5.2 Formulation
- 5.3 Implementation
- 5.4 Evaluation
- Chapter 6: Environment, Including Climate, In The Project Approach
- 6.1 Identification
- 6.2 Formulation
- 6.3 Implementation
- 6.4 Evaluation
- Annexes
- Annex 1: General environmental issues in cooperation focal areas
- Annex 2: Terms of Reference for a Country Environmental Profile
- Annex 3: Screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Annex 4: Guidance for integrating environmental and climate-related aspects in SPSP formulation studies
- Annex 5: Terms of Reference for a Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Annex 6: I
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10010527741