Implementing Framework Service Contract EAC 02/2010 (lot 3) And Specific Contract EAC/2012/0152 “Delivering Education across Borders in the European Union”
Alternative title: | Implementing Framework Service Contract EAC 02/2010 (lot 3) And Specific Contract EAC/2012/0152 Study “Franchising, Validation and Branch Campuses in the EU: mapping provision, regulation and quality assurance” Annex – Survey Questionnaire and Country Profiles |
Year of publication: |
Other Persons: | Brandenburg, Uwe (contributor) |
Institutions: | Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Bildung und Kultur ; Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh (contributor) |
Subject: | Europa | Europe | Hochschulbildung | university level of education | Mobilität | mobility |
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