Inflation targeting in high inflation emerging economies : lessons about rules and instruments
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Taylor, John B. |
Published in: |
Journal of applied economics. - London : Taylor & Francis, Taylor & Francis Group, ISSN 1667-6726, ZDB-ID 2094889-X. - Vol. 22.2019, 1, p. 103-116
Subject: | Inflation targeting | interest rate rules | monetary policy instruments | monetary policy rules | money growth rules | Geldpolitik | Monetary policy | Theorie | Theory | Inflationssteuerung | Regelbindung versus Diskretion | Rules versus discretion | Taylor-Regel | Taylor rule | Zinspolitik | Interest rate policy | Geldpolitisches Ziel | Monetary target | Inflation | Inflationsbekämpfung | Anti-inflation policy |
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