Pension Fund Regulation and Risk Management: Results from an ALM Optimisation Exercise
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Blome, Sandra ; Fachinger, Kai ; Franzen, Dorothee ; Scheuenstuhl, Gerhard ; Yermo, Juan |
Institutions: | Directorate for Financial, Fiscal and Enterprises Affairs, Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) |
Subject: | accounting | pension fund | defined benefit | asset liability management | discount rate | fair value | investment | actuarial method | valuation method | méthode d'évaluation | méthode actuarielle | investissement | comptabilité | juste valeur | organisme de retraite | gestion actif-passif | taux d'actualisation | prestation définie |
Extent: | text/html |
Series: | |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Notes: | Number 8 |
Other identifiers: | 10.1787/171755452623 [DOI] |
Classification: | G23 - Pension Funds; Other Private Financial Institutions ; J32 - Nonwage Labor Costs and Benefits; Private Pensions |
Source: |
Reforming the Valuation and Funding of Pension Promises: Are Occupational Pension Plans Safer?
Yermo, Juan, (2007)
Evaluating the Impact of Risk Based Funding Requirements on Pension Funds
Peek, Jordy, (2008)
Funding Regulations and Risk Sharing
Pugh, Colin, (2008)
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Pension Fund Regulation and Risk Management : Results from an ALM Optimisation Exercise
Blome, Sandra, (2007)
Pension fund regulation and risk management : results from an ALM optimisation exercise
Blome, Sandra, (2007)
Investment Regulations and Defined Contribution Pensions
Antolín, Pablo, (2009)
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