Positions of 10 Central and Eastern European countries on EU institutional reforms:
Alternative title: | Position von 10 Mittel- und Osteuropäischen Ländern zur institutionellen Reform der EU Analytical survey in the framework of the CEEC-DEBATE project |
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Franck, Christian ; Pyszna-Nigge, Dorota |
Publisher: |
Université Catholique <Louvain> |
Subject: | EU-Erweiterung | EU expansion | Integrationspolitik | integration policy | Konvention | convention | Ostmitteleuropa | East Central Europe | Verfassung | constitution |
Extent: | 360448 bytes 111 p. application/pdf |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | English |
Classification: | History of the European Communities. European idea ; European Community institutions and organs ; Political science in general ; Social structure. Social conditions. Social change ; Individual Reports, Studies ; EASTERN EUROPE |
Source: |
When negotiations begin: the next phase in EU-Turkey relations
Grabbe, Heather, (2004)
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Elusive solidarity in an enlarged European Union
Hartwig, Ines, (2003)
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Size matters in the European Union: searching for balance between formal and actual equality
Šabič, Zlatko, (2004)
Europas zaghafter Flirt mit dem Osten: Die EWG und die Frage des Ost-West-Handels
Franck, Christian, (1964)
Die neuen Brüsseler Initiativen im Lichte der gegenwärtigen europäischen Einigungspolitik
Franck, Christian, (1964)
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