Short-term supply response to a devaluation : a model's implications for primary commodity-exporting developing countries
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Boccara, Bruno ; Nsengiyumva, Fabien |
Institutions: | Weltbank / Western Africa Department / Country Operations Division (contributor) |
Publisher: |
Washington, DC : World Bank, Western Africa Dep., Country Operations Div. |
Subject: | Wechselkurspolitik | Exchange rate policy | Kaufkraftparität | Purchasing power parity | Konjunktur | Business cycle | Rohstoffmarkt | Commodity market | Theorie | Theory | Entwicklungsländer | Developing countries |
Extent: | 36 S. : graph. Darst |
Series: | Policy research working paper : WPS. - Washington, DC, ZDB-ID 1177995-0. - Vol. 1428 |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Arbeitspapier ; Working Paper ; Graue Literatur ; Non-commercial literature |
Language: | English |
Source: | ECONIS - Online Catalogue of the ZBW |
Boccara, Bruno, (1995)
The effects of collective devaluation on commodity prices and exports
Wattleworth, Michael, (1988)
The equilibrium real exchange rate and macroeconomic performance in developing countries
Schröder, Marcel, (2017)
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Boccara, Bruno, (1995)
Determinants of inflation among Franc zone countries in Africa
Boccara, Bruno, (1993)
Why higher fiscal spending persists when a boom in primary commodities ends
Boccara, Bruno, (1994)
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