Study on the labelling of products from cloned animals and their offspring
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | Agra Ceas Consulting ; Areté, Research & Consulting in Economics |
Publisher: |
Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Landwirtschaft und Ländliche Entwicklung, Brüssel |
Subject: | Agrarpolitik | Agricultural Policy | EU-Agrarpolitik | Common agricultural policy | Gentechnik | Genetic engineering | Herkunftsbezeichnung | Rules of origin | Landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung | Agricultural development | Ländliche Entwicklung | Rural development | Tierisches Produkt | Animal product | agricultural policy | Gentechnologie | genetic engineering | Herkunftsland | country of origin | landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung | agricultural development |
Askeland, Bjarte, (2007)
Study on the Implications of Asynchronous GMO Approvals for EU Imports of Animal Feed Products
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Study on mandatory origin labelling for pig, poultry and sheep & goat meat
W. Baltussen, (2013)
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Bradley, Dylan, (2010)
Bradley, Dylan, (2012)
Christodoulou, Maria, (2011)
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