- 1. Glossary of Terms Used In This Report
- 2. Executive Summary
- 2.1 Background
- 2.2 Behavioural Testing of a Standardised Information Notice
- 2.3 Findings from Behavioural Testing
- 2.4 Recommended Standardised Information Notice
- 3. Recommended Standardised Information Notice under the Common European Sales Law (“Recommended Notice”)
- 4. Testing of a Standardised Information Notice for Consumers on a Common European Sales Law
- 4.1 Background
- 4.1.1 The Common European Sales Law
- 4.1.2 A Standardised Information Notice for the CESL
- 4.1.3 Objectives for the Testing
- 5. Behavioural Experiments to Test the Effectiveness of a Standardised Information Notice
- 5.1 Overview
- 5.2 Summary of Review of Evidence
- 5.2.1 Introduction
- 5.2.2 Summary: Literature Review
- 5.2.3 Summary: Consumer Interviews
- 5.2.4 Summary: Consumer Survey
- 5.3 Developing Variants of the Standardised Information Notice
- 5.3.1 Procedure
- 5.3.2 Wave I: Content Variations
- 5.3.3 Wave II: Presentation Variations
- 5.4 Developing the Behavioural Experiments
- 5.4.1 Objectives and Overview
- 5.4.2 Key Metrics
- 5.4.3 The Balanced Scorecard
- 5.4.4 Consumer Sample
- 5.5 Results of Behavioural Experiment A
- 5.5.1 Summary of Findings
- 5.5.2 Treatment Groups
- 5.5.3 Detailed Findings
- 5.6 Results of Behavioural Experiment B
- 5.6.1 Summary of Findings
- 5.6.2 Treatment Groups
- 6. Conclusions
- 7. Recommended Standard Information Notice
- 7.1 English
- 7.2 German
- 7.3 French
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10010527868