The Federative Library - A Decentralized Library Service for Smart Books
Most research projects that start to implement the so called Internetof Things typically use smart products and mobile devices within brick-andmortarsupermarkets for consumer-product communication at the point-of-sale.But outside the supermarket specific information collected about the smartproducts (e.g. changing product qualities or the current location) could be filedas well. By granting access to information gathered by mobile smart productsand local smart environments and integrating this object information withadditional available information from external resources, innovativeknowledge-intensive products and services become conceivable.The present paper discusses such an innovative smart service called theFederative Library (FedLib). The FedLib is a library service for work groupsthat functions without the need for collecting books at a centralized location. Asthe implementation of the FedLib will follow the design of a consistently openapproach referred to as Open Object Information Infrastructure (OOII) thepaper also introduce the building blocks of this proposed architecture.