Umsetzung der EU-Maßnahmen für Jugendbeschäftigung aus Sicht der Zivilgesellschaft : Bericht über sechs Mitgliedstaaten
Youth employment is a key priority of the European Economic and Social Committee and its Labour Market Observatory.
The Observatory is carrying out a study on the implementation of EU policies for youth employment in a selection of six Member States: Austria, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Italy and Slovakia, seen from a civil society perspective.
It deals with topics such as the implementation of the Youth guarantee, the transition from school to work, the Quality Framework for Traineeships, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, the intra-EU mobility and the level of involvement of organised civil society in policies for youth employment.
This exercise gives national stakeholders an opportunity to put forward their comments and recommendations, providing for an opportunity for mutual learning and better understanding of the functioning of national systems.
The study involved social partners, youth organisations and public authorities of the selected countries and we warmly thank them for their commitment and cooperation.
Alternative title: | Implementation of EU policies for youth employment: a civil society perspective : report on six Member States |
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | Europäischer Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss |
Subject: | Beschäftigungspolitik | Employment policy | EU-Staaten | EU countries | Finnland | Finland | Griechenland | Greece | Italien | Italy | Kroatien | Croatia | Slowakei | Slovakia | Österreich | Austria | Jugendarbeit | youth work | Zivilgesellschaft | civil society |
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Extent: | 26 Seiten p. 24 Seiten p. application/pdf |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Language: | English ; German ; French |
ISBN: | 978-92-830-2657-0 ; 978-92-830-2665-5 ; 978-92-830-2675-4 |
Classification: | Employment and unemployment ; Jobs and occupations in general ; Individual Reports, Studies ; Austria. General Resources ; Europe. General Resources ; Finland ; Slovak Republic ; Croatia ; Greece ; Italy |
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