1. Search

A click on the magnifying glass starts the search function. Enter your search term into the search box at the top right hand corner. After three letters keywords are automatically suggested. Click "search" to start your query.

2. Results List

Gain less results: filter options

Did your search term produce too many results? After a search, you will see various filters on the right hand side that allow you to reduce the number of results. Click a filter to open it. Then choose one of the offered elements in order to show only those results that match this criterion. Choose the icon "filter" if you wish to return to the filter selection. You can delete filters by clicking and removing the tick behind the selected word.


The coloured traffic lights in the results list tell you whether a full text is available to you or not.

  • Green traffic light: you can access the full-text free of charge
  • Yellow traffic light: Through a licence bought for your workplace, you are granted access to this publication.
  • Red traffic light: The publication is not available at your momentary workplace. (Only relevant in Germany. Please check the availability in your library catalogue if your library is not located in Germany)
  • Grey traffic light: It is not clear if you can access the electronic full text. Please check the information in the detailed view of the title.

The availability of a title can also be seen in the detailed view (see fig. “detailed view”)

Availability in selected libraries

If you would like to know which titles are available in a particular library, set it as your local library. The yellow traffic light will then appear on titles available in this library.

Attention: You can only access these full texts within the library’s network.

Detailed View

Click a title to open the detailed view in order to see more information. You can now add your own comments, email it or add it to your bookmarks. If it is an online source you can click the "online" icon to open the full text. The icon "link" directs you to the original database. There you can find additional information about the title and in some cases links to the full text or tables of content etc.

Download PDF

In each pdf full text you will find a button "Download PDF" in the upper right corner. Click on it to save the full text.

The title data and the full text will be automatically added to your bookmarks. An image visualises that a pdf is attached.



You can add individual titles from the results list to your bookmarks. Click the asterisks in the navigation in order to see the list of selected titles. From the search box on the right hand side you can search within your list. If you click the link below the search box, you can mail the entire list.

4. Find economics libraries

You would like to know if there’s a library with economics literature nearby?

* Click the small map in the navigation.

* Enter the city you just find yourself in or in which you would like to find a library and click "search".

The map shows you your current location (blue dot) and the location of the libraries just found (red dots). If you want to know more about a library, select it and click the blue arrow.

Set home library

A click on the cogwheel in the navigation opens the settings options. Select one of the libraries as your home library in order to check the availability of titles in this library.

5. Ask us: Research Guide EconDesk

Research Guide EconDesk is the online reference service of the ZBW. We support you with your literature and data search in economics and business studies free of charge. Contact us by e-mail, chat or telephone.

Monday to Friday 9:00 – 16:30 CET

After every search query you can find the link to Research Guide EconDesk at the bottom right hand corner near the filters.

Enter your question in the field "Your Question / Message".

6. Download

Click here for free download.

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