Showing 51 - 60 of 111
In the first eight decades of the 20th century, Brazil ranked among the countries with highest growth rates in the world. During the period 1930-80, in particular, it managed to reduce its per capita income gap vis-à-vis industrialized economies and seemed poised to escape underdevelopment...
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Raúl Prebisch fue una de las grandes figuras de América Latina que trascendió desde los años treinta como personalidad regional e internacional preponderante. Por ello cabe honrar el centenario de su nacimiento en la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina, en 1901, con un discurso especial y una...
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Raúl Prebisch was one of the great figures in Latin America, a dominant regional and international personality since the 1930s, and it is therefore fitting to honor the centenary of his birth in Tucumán, Argentina in 1901 with a special lecture and conference on his life and work. Moreover, it...
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This publication was undertaken in the context of the International Forum on Latin American Perspectives, jointly organized by the Inter-American Development Bank and the OECD Development Centre. The IDB and the OECD Development Centre created this forum as an annual meeting place of ideas and...
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Da a conocer las palabras ofrecidas por el Presidente del BID, Enrique V. Iglesias, sobre la conferencia que abarca temas de la importancia macroeconómica de las remesas, mecanismos que contribuyan a la reducción en el coste y propuestas para canalizar el ahorro de los emigrantes hacia...
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(Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) ¿Volverán a dispararse los flujos de capitales hacia América Latina a medida que los países de la región se vayan recuperando de la recesión de 1998-99? ¿Y volverán a desplomarse nuevamente poco después, repitiendo así el ciclo del pasado?...
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This paper studies the proposition that capital inflows tend to take the form of FDI--i. e. , the share of FDI in total liabilities tends to be higher--in countries that are safer, more promising and with better institutions and policies. It finds that this view is patently wrong since it stands...
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Financial liberalization and integration have generated disappointing results. They were supposed to set up a win-win situation: capital would flow from capital-abundant, low-return, aging industrial countries to capital-scarce, high-return, young emerging countries. Growth in receiving...
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This paper discusses the economic performance of Latin America in the last decade, paying special attention to growth and the financial sector. In particular, it shows that external factors, such as like U. S. interest rates and the business cycle, play a key role in capital inflows, investment,...
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(Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) En este trabajo se estudia la propuesta de que los ingresos de capitales tienden a asumir la forma de inversión extranjera directa (IED), es decir, que la parte de la IED del total de pasivos tiende a ser mayor en países que son más seguros, más...
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