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Digitalization is changing the industrial sector and introducing new global challenges • EU industrial policy aims to counter these challenges by increasing industry’s share of value added • DIW Berlin analyses show that selected regions with a low share of industry can play an important...
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Die Digitalisierung führt zu einem Wandel der Industrie und zu globalen Herausforderungen. Die EU-Industriepolitik will diesen mit Erhöhung des Industrieanteils an der Wertschöpfung begegnen. Analysen des DIW Berlin zeigen, dass ausgewählte Regio- nen mit geringem Industrieanteil in der...
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Based on capital stock, in total, over six trillion euros less was invested in the European Union between 1999 and 2007 than in the non-European OECD countries, including the US, Canada, and Japan. In the euro area, investment was more than 7.5 trillion euros less than in non-European OECD...
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Based on capital stock, in total, over six trillion euros less was invested in the European Union between 1999 and 2007 than in the non-European OECD countries, including the US, Canada, and Japan. In the euro area, investment was more than 7.5 trillion euros less than in non-European OECD...
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Leistungsfähige Infrastrukturen sind eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und die Schaffung von Wachstumspotentialen. Obwohl der Bund zusätzlich Finanzmittel bereitgestellt hat, sind die vor allem durch Bauleistungen geprägten kommunalen...
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Investment in public infrastructure is essential to ensure competitiveness and create growth potential. Although Germany certainly has a well-developed infrastructure compared to other countries, local public infrastructure has been in decline for many years now. This means that current levels...
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Investitionen in die öffentliche Infrastruktur sind eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für die Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und die Schaffung von Wachstumspotentialen. Zwar besitzt Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich eine durchaus gute Infrastrukturausstattung. Allerdings fährt...
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Although the federal government has been taking steps to strengthen investment in Germany, it remains considerably low. This includes private investment, on which thepresent study focuses. German companies are barely investing more than they did before the crisis, but this is not the case...
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