Showing 71 - 80 of 80
This presentation discusses the authors' paper on the effects of open skies agreement. They explain how they estimate the effect of a change in Air Competition Regimes (OSA) on air transport costs, the effect of better infrastructure and Regulatory Quality on Air transport Costs, and the impact...
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En este trabajo se presenta la evidencia nacional e internacional de los beneficios y costos de la alta rotación de trabajadores en Chile. Por el lado de los beneficios se analiza la literatura teórica y empírica que analiza el efecto que tiene la reasignación de empleos en el crecimiento de...
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Presentación sobre le proyecto de Bancarización de remesas, democratización financiera y oportunidades innovadoras de inversión en Costa Rica y Nicaragua: casos comparativos Sur-Sur y Norte-Sur. Da a conocer los objetivos del proyecto, el equipo de trabajo y las actividades del mismo.
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A segunda edição da série Instituições para o Povo mostra os bancos públicos de desenvolvimento da América Latina e do Caribe frente a um novo paradigma.Nos seis capítulos que compõem o estudo, o tema dos bancos públicos de desenvolvimento é abordado a partir de uma perspectiva...
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People and their jobs: What could be more basic to a person's well being? Where people work determines how they live, how their families live, and how economies perform. The quantity and quality of jobs available has implications for individuals and countries alike. That is why the problems with...
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Competing in the world economy does not automatically boost a nation's productivity and restructure its economy. Such progress requires mobilizing capital, employment, technology and knowledge. Opportunities beyond the business realm must be fully exploited to the benfit of society as a whole....
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Regional integration initiatives have long been part of the world economic landscape. In Latin America, integration flourished in the early post-war era but then lost momentum until the 1990s, when there was a new wave of initiatives ranging from free trade areas to customs unions. This Report...
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La segunda edición de la serie Instituciones para la gente presenta a los bancos públicos de desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe frente a un nuevo paradigma. En los últimos 10 a 15 años la región ha visto un avance importante de estas instituciones para lograr su gran potencial como...
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Credit supplied by the banking sector is the most important funding source for firms and households in Latin America and the Caribbean. Unfortunately, credit is scarce, costly and volatile. Without deep and stable credit markets, the region will be hard pressed to achieve high and sustainable...
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The second publication in the series "Institutions for People" focuses on the public development banks of Latin America and the Caribbean as they enter a new paradigm. In the last 10 to 15 years, these institutions have made considerable progress in the region towards fulfilling their undoubted...
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