Showing 1 - 10 of 117
This study used data from the British Cohort Study to examine the relationshipsbetween childhood background experiences and a variety of indicators of adultwell-being. Similar to an earlier study that analyses the National ChildDevelopment Study, we use a rich array of childhood background...
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‘Work-life balance’ generally refers to how people may combine paid employmentwith family responsibilities. The UK government’s attempts to promote work-lifebalance are connected to wider concerns to maximise labour-force participation andinclude policies on tax credits, child care and...
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The optimal design of low income support is examined using a structural labour supplymodel. The approach incorporates unobserved heterogeneity, fixed costs of work, childcarecosts and the detailed non-convexities of the tax and transfer system. The analysis considerspurely Pareto improving...
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This paper examines how a change in the generosity of one social assistance programgenerates spillovers onto other social assistance programs. We exploit an age discontinuityin the stringency of the 1993 Dutch disability reforms to estimate the causal effect of exit fromdisability insurance (DI)...
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This paper uses British panel data to investigate single women´s labour supply changes inresponse to three tax and benefit policy reforms that occurred in the 1990s. These reformschanged individuals´ work incentives and we use them to identify changes in labour supply.We find evidence of small...
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This paper examines the effects of the Working Families´ Tax Credit (WFTC) on couples inBritain. We develop a simple model of household decisions which explicitly accounts for therole played by the tax and benefit system. Its main implications are then tested using paneldata from the British...
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This paper uses an overlapping generations model with international labor mobility and apolitically responsive fiscal policy to examine aging in developed and developing regions.Migrant workers change the political structure composed of young and elderly voters in bothlabor-receiving and...
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Die Einführung eines jeden auf dem Umlageverfahren basierenden Systems verursacht– bei unterstellter Alterung der Bevölkerung – eine intergenerative Umverteilungzu Gunsten der ersten Generationen und zu Lasten üungerer und nachwachsenderGenerationen. Am Beispiel der Einf¨uhrung der...
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Presuming an ageing population, every introduction of a pay-as-you-go schemecauses intergenerational redistribution in favor of the first generations and to theburden of young and future generations. Using the concept of internal rates ofreturn we want to examine the extent to which the first...
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This study provides a unied growth theory to correctly predictthe initially negative and subsequently positive relationship between child mortalityand net reproduction observed in industrialized countries over the courseof their demographic transitions. The model captures the intricate...
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