Showing 291 - 299 of 299
Objective for this working paper is to analyze the effects of a reimbursement reform on somatic hospitals’ efficiency and quality, measured as patient experiences. By the reform a capitation-based block grant system was replaced by an activity-based system. Methods: Data on efficiency and...
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In March 2003 the Norwegian government implemented yardstick based price regulation schemes on a selection of drugs experiencing generic competition. The retail price cap, termed “index price”, on a drug (chemical substance) was set equal to the average of the three lowest producer prices on...
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Fram mot 2050 blir det flere eldre, og en høyere andel eldre i befolkningen enn det som er tilfelle i dag. Ifølge befolkningsframskrivinger vil antall personer over 67 år fordobles de nærmeste 50 år og for aldersgruppen over 90 år blir veksten enda sterkere. Siden utgiftene til helse- og...
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Fastlegene i de tidligere forsøkskommunene har i 2003 kortere lister enn de hadde da fastlegeforsøket ble igangsatt i 1993. Listene er imidlertid fremdeles lengre i disse kommunene enn i landet for øvrig. Samtidig ser vi at gjennomsnittslegen i forsøkskommunene har færre ledige plasser på...
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Abstract Diagnostic tests and in particular laboratory tests are often important in diagnostic work-up and monitoring of patients. Therefore the economic consequences of medical actions based on test results may amount to a substantial proportion of health service costs. Thus, it is of public...
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Kommunene har ansvar for å skaffe leger som kan utføre arbeid ved sykehjem, helsestasjon og skolehelsetjeneste, samt samfunnsmedisinske oppgaver som planlegging og beredskapsarbeid i forbindelse med ulykkeshåndtering, miljørettet helsevern, smittevern og administrative oppgaver. Det...
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En sterk økning i eldre stiller krav til omfang og kvalitet i pleie- og omsorgstjenestene. I Norge i dag mottar mer enn 200 000 personer pleie- og omsorgstjenester. Kostnaden for dette er rundt 46 mrd kroner. Den tradisjonelle modellen for produksjon av velferdsgoder i Norge og Norden for...
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This paper explores how collective social norms can have individual-level genetic foundation. Our study is the first we know to report a plausible link between genetically founded individual preferences in a fraction of a population and social norms governing behavior of all individuals. As our...
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We model physicians as health care professionals who care about their services and monetary rewards. These preferences are heterogeneous. Different physicians trade off the monetary and service motives differently, and therefore respond differently to incentive schemes. Our model is set up for...
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