Showing 41 - 50 of 472
This paper uses an evolutionary approach incorporating the idea of natural selection to examine market behavior in a one-sided buyer auction market. Even with no traders' rationality (such as rational expectations and adaptive learning) and with each trader's behavior preprogrammed with its own...
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We analyze a fully dynamic model of price competition when firms face a learning curve and the possibility of organizational forgetting. We show that even though the leader firm may underprice the follower and this price difference may grow as the leader's cost advantage widens, the market may...
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We tend to interact with same people, day after day. Might this affect our behavior? In an abstract fashion, we look at this question. To model this repeated interaction with a small subset of the entire population we place agents on the nodes of a network and have them play a prisoners’...
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This paper explores the question whether boundedly rational agents learn to behave optimally when asked to voluntarily contribute to a public good. The decision process of individuals is described by an Evolutionary Algorithm. We find that the contribution level converges towards the Nash...
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We examine the choice between internal or external provision of information technology (“ITâ€) services for US credit unions. Credit unions may provide their own systems for tracking loans and deposit accounts or they may choose to outsource these systems from external providers....
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We develop a powerful and user-friendly program for numerically solving first price auction problems where an arbitrary number of bidders draw independent valuations from heterogenous distributions and the auctioneer imposes a reserve price for the object. The heterogeneity in this model arises...
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In this paper it is argued that whether cooperation is established in a prisoner's dilemma-like situation is determined by cognitive learning processes. To prove this claim a simulation model is build. This model is based on knowledge about the cognitive learning process that has been gained in...
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