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Le present document fait etat des enjeux conceptuels et operationnels impliques a la capitalisation des depenses en recherche et developpement dans le Systeme de comptabilite nationale du Canada (SCNC), il montre les estimations statistiques par industrie pour l'annee de reference 2000 et evalue...
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The paper outlines key conceptual and operational issues involved in capitalizing R&D expenditures in the Canadian System of National Accounts (CSNA), shows statistical estimates by industry for reference year 2000, and assesses the impact of capitalization on main CSNA aggregates.
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L'observation statistique selon laquelle les petites entreprises ont cree la majorite des nouveaux emplois au cours des annees 1980 a eu une incidence enorme sur la politique officielle. Les gouvernements desireux de favoriser la croissance de l'emploi se sont tournes vers le secteur des petites...
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The statistical observation that small firms have created the majority of new jobs during the 1980s has had a tremendous influence on public policy. Governmentshave looked to the small firm sector for employment growth, and have promoted policies to augment this expansion. However, recent...
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Dans cet article, on examine les determinants de l'innovation et le role de celle-ci dans la croissance de la … presente un modele permettant d'examiner l'effet de l'innovation sur le rendement et la survie des etablissements. …
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This paper examines the determinants of innovation and the role of innovation in productivity growth, shifts in market … share and survival in the Canadian manufacturing sector. It presents a model that examines the effect of innovation on plant …
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This paper examines the factors underlying firm failure, and compares the failure mechanisms for young firms against those of older organizations. This paper suggests that there are systematic differences between the determinants of firm failure for firms that fail early in life and those that...
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This paper tracks the growth and decline of information and communications technology (ICT) industries that were synonymous with the so-called new economy boom of the late-1990s and its subsequent bust period in the early 2000s. The analysis focuses on the question of whether the ICT bust has...
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This paper examines the extent to which information technology has contributed to Canada's productivity growth, how Canada's productivity performance compared with that of the United State, and the impact of the recent Canadian productivity revival on prosperity.
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Ce document comprend un examen des facteurs qui sous-tendent l'echec d'une entreprise ainsi qu'une comparaison des mecanismes qui menent a la faillite des jeunes entreprises et des plus anciennes. Il donne a penser qu'il existe des differences systematiques entre les determinants des faillites...
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