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This paper focuses on the impact of EU structural funds (SFs) on the GDP per capita of 183 European NUTS2 regions from 1990 to 2016. To allow for the endogeneity of funds allocation to regions, we estimate a bivariate structural panel VAR model, controlling for unobserved heterogeneity through a...
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This paper quantifies the impact on the cost of funding in repo markets of the initial margins applied by central clearing counterparties (CCPs). We have used contract-level data for the general collateral (GC) segment of Italy's MTS Repo market between January 2011 and April 2014. The analysis...
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The aim of this paper is twofold: first, to study the determinants of banks' net interest margin with a particular focus on the role of maturity transformation, using a new measure of maturity mismatch; second, to analyse the implications for banks of the relaxation of a binding prudential limit...
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This paper evaluates the macroeconomic effects of the corporate sector purchase programme (CSPP) implemented in the euro area by the Eurosystem. For this purpose we calibrate and simulate a monetary-union dynamic general equilibrium model. We assume that entrepreneurs can finance their spending...
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In this paper we propose a new indicator of central bank's verbal guidance, which measures communications about the future based on the frequency of future verbs in monetary policy statements. We consider the press conferences of the European Central Bank as a test case. First, we analyze the...
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Using a simple method, based on forward interest spreads, we analyse the recent movements in the 10-year yield differentials between three currencies (Italian lira; Spanish peseta; Swedish krona) and the DM in order to gauge the extent to which the reduction in these differentials was due to...
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This paper employs a large-scale overlapping generation (OLG) model quantifying that demographics account for a decrease in the natural real interest rate of about 1.4 percentage points in the euro area compared with the average for the 1980s to 2030 (roughly at its trough), under the baseline...
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This paper studies the role of credit-supply factors in business cycle fluctuations. For this purpose, we introduce an imperfectly competitive banking sector into a DSGE model with financial frictions. Banks issue collateralized loans to both households and firms, obtain funding via deposits and...
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