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Real options present a wide topic in investment litterature nowadays. However, despite bigadvances in the single asset investment pricing, the theory is miser of informations aboutproblems involving more than one asset. We show in this paper that using dynamic programming,one can find an...
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In this paper we carry out a preliminary exploration of a time scales’ conjecture, whichpostulates that “reasonable” notions of sustainability must include a suitable synchronisationof time scales of both the processes of human development and those of the naturalenvironment. We perform...
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The authors analyze the optimal replacement of assets under continuous and discontinuoustechnological change. They investigate the variable lifetime of assets in an infinite-horizonreplacement problem. Due to deterioration, the maintenance cost increases when the assetbecomes older. Because of...
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We use Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian LFS data (2002-2007) complemented with severalother surveys to compare the profile of Baltic temporary workers abroad before and after EUaccession with that of stayers and return migrants. Determinants of migration and return, aswell as selection issues...
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European Social Survey data on 30 countries, covering years 2004-2009, are used to lookinto joint institutional [and other macro] determinants of the rates of dependent employmentwithout a contract, informal self-employment, and unemployment (secondary jobs are notaccounted for). Consistently...
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The European Social Survey data are used to analyze informal employment at the main jobin 30 countries. Overall, informality decreases from South to West to East to North. However,dependent work without contract is more prevalent in Eastern Europe than in the West,except for Ireland, the UK and...
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Providing a good formulation is an important part of solving a mixed integer program.We suggest to measure the quality of a formulation by whether it is possible tostrengthen the coefficients of the formulation. Sequentially strengthening coefficientscan then be used as a tool for improving...
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