Showing 1 - 10 of 79
Two small-sample tests for random coefficients in linear regression are derived from the Maximum Likelihood Ratio. The first test has previously been proposed for testing equality of fixed effects, but is here shown to be suitable also for random coefficients. The second test is based on the...
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A common practice in applied econometrics consists of replacing a suspected endogenous variable with its lagged values. This note demonstrates that lagging an endogen¬ous variable does not enable one to escape simultaneity bias. The associated estimates are still inconsistent, and hypothesis...
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The main contribution of this paper is to propose a bootstrap method for inference on integrated volatility based on the pre-averaging approach of Jacod et al. (2009), where the pre-averaging is done over all possible overlapping blocks of consecutive observations. The overlapping nature of the...
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We propose simple methods for multivariate diffusion bridge simulation, which plays a fundamental role in simulation-based likelihood and Bayesian inference for stochastic differential equations. By a novel application of classical coupling methods, the new approach generalizes a previously...
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We consider cointegration rank estimation for a p-dimensional Fractional Vector Error Correction Model. We propose a new two-step procedure which allows testing for further long-run equilibrium relations with possibly different persistence levels. The fi?rst step consists in estimating the...
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Polynomial specifications are widely used, not only in applied economics, but also in epidemiology, physics, political analysis, and psychology, just to mention a few examples. In many cases, the data employed to estimate such estimations are time series that may exhibit stochastic nonstationary...
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This paper presents the Matlab package DeCo (Density Combination) which is based on the paper by Billio et al. (2013) where a constructive Bayesian approach is presented for combining predictive densities originating from different models or other sources of information. The combination weights...
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The main contribution of this paper is to propose a new bootstrap method for statistics based on high frequency returns. The new method exploits the local Gaussianity and the local constancy of volatility of high frequency returns, two assumptions that can simplify inference in the high...
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This paper studies the pruned state-space system for higher-order approximations to the solutions of DSGE models. For second- and third-order approximations, we derive the statistical properties of this system and provide closed-form expressions for ?first and second unconditional moments and...
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Motivated by the construction of the Itô stochastic integral, we consider a step function method to discretize and simulate volatility modulated Lévy semistationary processes. Moreover, we assess the accuracy of the method with a particular focus on integrating kernels with a singularity at...
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