Showing 1 - 10 of 109
The North and Baltic Seas Grid is one of the largest pan-European infrastructure projects, increasing the potential of harnessing large amounts of renewable energy. This paper addresses the economic implications of different development scenarios of the North and Baltic Seas Grid on individual...
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In the face of interest rates having hit their zero lower bound in major economies, large-scale asset purchases have become an important weapon of central banks in recent years. It is, however, not clear whether and under which circumstances such policy measures produce the desired effects. This...
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Not just since the European Central Bank announced the large-scale purchase of government bonds a few weeks ago, large-scale asset purchases have always been a controversially discussed topic. This DIW Roundup summarizes the measures that have been taken by central banks in Japan, USA and UK and...
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Das Thema Altersarmut wird in Deutschland kontrovers diskutiert. Altersarmut gilt für viele als ein wichtiges sozialpolitisches Problem, da ältere Menschen nur wenige Möglichkeiten haben, etwas an ihrer Einkommensposition zu ändern. Arme Ältere sind deswegen einem hohen Risiko ausgesetzt,...
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Seit Anfang 2009 unterliegt die leitungsgebundene Energieversorgung in Deutschland der Anreizregulierung, durch die ein effizienter Betrieb von Strom und Gasnetzen sichergestellt werden soll. Unklar ist allerdings, inwieweit die Anreizregulierung sich auf Investitionen in Ersatz und Ausbau der...
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Die Entscheidung der Organisation erdölexportierender Länder (OPEC) im Herbst 2014, ihre Förderquote trotz des dramatischen Falls der Rohölpreise nicht zu senken, hat diese Gruppe wieder einmal ins Rampenlicht der öffentlichen Diskussion gerückt. Obwohl einige der wichtigsten...
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The recent decision by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) not to decrease their output quota in spite of a drastic decline of crude oil prices has brought renewed attention to this supplier group dominating the crude oil market. However, the empirical evidence that OPEC...
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Ukrainian women are on average much more educated than women in developing countries and they also tend to show higher participation rates, albeit smaller than men's. They are also at least as educated as Ukrainian men. Women and men with identical characteristics might show different patterns...
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The internal labor market is a field where the employer and the employees interact within an organization, this field being similar in its functions to the ordinary external labor market, that is, it determines the cost of manpower, and the staff movements within the enterprise, which include...
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