Showing 1 - 7 of 7
Der Klimawandel wird wahrscheinlich in vielen Regionen zu einer Zunahme von Unwetterkatastrophen wie Dürren oder Überschwemmungen führen. Davon sind vor allem Entwicklungsländer betroffen, da sie oft in den besonders anfälligen Klimazonen liegen und die Landwirtschaft dort eine wichtige...
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Die Aussage, dass Deutschland spätestens in einigen Jahren von einem umfassenden Fachkräftemangel betroffen sein werde, klingt in manchen Ohren bereits wie eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Jedoch ist das Ausmaß des gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Fachkräftemangels in der Wissenschaft...
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The recent financial crisis has exposed the fragility of the banking sector to sudden withdrawals of wholesale funding, asset price declines and market dry-ups. Governments and central banks had to step in to prevent major banks from defaulting. These events led to renewed interest in the...
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The question of whether monetary policy should target asset prices remains a contentious issue. Prior to the 2007/08 financial crisis, central banks opted for a wait-and-see approach, remaining passive during the build-up of asset price bubbles but actively seeking to stabilize prices and output...
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Several leading policymakers - from ECB President Mario Draghi to EC President José Manual Barroso - have pushed Eurozone countries to adopt far-reaching structural reforms in labour and product markets in order to foster growth and employment. While there is a broad consensus that structural...
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It seems to be widely acknowledged that Germany will face a shortage of skilled workers within no more than a few years. However, the extent of the current and future skilled worker shortage is still up for debate among experts. The disagreement begins with the choice of adequate scarcity...
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A key component of the coalition agreement between the CDU/CSU and SPD signed on November 27 is the adoption of a minimum wage for Germany. Under the agreement, a statutory minimum wage of EUR8.50 per hour will be introduced across the country starting in 2017. Pushed as a make-or-break issue by...
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