Showing 1 - 10 of 14
We study career and wage dynamics within and between firms using a large linked employer-employee panel dataset spanning 26 years. We construct six-level hierarchies for more than 5,000 firms. We replicate most of the analyses from Baker, Gibbs and Holmström (Quarterly Journal of Economics,...
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In this study we focus on differences in careers and wage development between white-collar workers. We are interested in the questions of which factors contribute to these differences and at what stage of the career they occur. Furthermore, we investigate the wage effects of the different types...
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We study whether older workers are costly to firms. Our estimation equations are derived from a variant of the decomposition methods frequently used for measuring micro-level sources of industry productivity growth. By using comprehensive linked employeremployee data from the Finnish business...
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Aggregate productivity growth can be decomposed into growth within establishments, between establishments, and the impact of entering and exiting establishments. We demonstrate that such a productivity decomposition formula can also be used for studying intra-establishment restructuring through...
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Tutkimuksessa selvitetään nuorten naisten ja miesten urakehityseroja työuran ensimmäisten vuosien aikana. Kuvauksellisessa analyysissä vertaillaan naisten ja miesten ensimmäisen tehtävän vaativuustasoja sekä työmarkkinaliikkuvuutta. Ekonometrinen osuus koostuu ylennyksen ja...
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Suomalaisyritysten toimitusjohtajista ja hallitusten puheenjohtajista alle kymmenesosa sekä hallituksen jäsenistä alle neljäsosa on naisia. Laajaan yritysaineistoon perustuvan empiirisen regressioanalyysin perusteella havaitaan, että naistoimitusjohtoinen yritys on keskimäärin noin...
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This paper studies a retail chain that introduced a sales incentive plan that rewarded for exceeding a sales target and subsequently cut the incentive intensity in addition to increasing the target. Utilizing monthly panel data for 54 months for all 53 units of the chain the paper shows that the...
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This study uses a unique survey data from 398 Finnish manufacturing firms to explore how the order of magnitude of mobility and connectivity of a firm's ICT stock in conjunction with various organizational innovation and HRM practices affect the firm's performance. The data suggest that mobile...
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Our study aims at shedding light on the organizational mechanisms that produce differences in the firms' innovation performance. We use a survey data collected from 398 Finnish manufacturing firms for the years 2002 and 2005 to empirically explore whether and which organizational factors explain...
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This paper explores performance measurement in incentive plans. Based on theory, we argue that differences in the nature of jobs between blue- and white-collar employees lead to differences in incentive systems. We find that performance measurement for white-collar workers is broader in terms of...
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