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The ZOLCCYT was created to foster productive development within a competitive territory, accordingly, to promote local development process in Merida state through a unique system of preferential tax and customs exemption. The paper´s objective is to analyze and evaluate the ZOLCCYT with respect...
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No sólo entre los problemas que han dificultado a la planificación pueden destacarse aquellos dimanantes de razones de carácter político, administrativo e institucional. También, sus propósitos se han visto enrevesados ante las desavenencias que han podido animarse ante los efectos de...
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La planificación no siempre ha adecuado las demandas políticas, sociales y económicas en función la capacidad administrativa e institucional. Es así como llega a caracterizarse una planificación en crisis delimitada por la ambigüedad, la insuficiencia y la perturbación, la cual llega a...
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The objective of this work is to run through some of the organizational characteristics of voluntary production, such as open source, the professions and scientific communities. To do so, the work considers production as division of labor rather than as production function. It finds that...
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The aim of this study was to determine up to what extent the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Mexican industry apply the best practices in their production processes and management; likewise, it seeks to know how the entrepreneur perceives the success factors that affect their...
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Without neglecting the benefits that the process of globalization of economies and societies can deliver, there are undeniable weaknesses that had contributed to create greater gaps between rich and poor countries. Many firms, in their eagerness to increase value, abuse of their workers in...
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El tema de la Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa resulta por demás interesante y controversial dado lo difícil que puede ser para un gerente dirigir su atención y sus esfuerzos hacia objetivos que parecen rebasar las fronteras de lo económico y que, a simple vista, no son redituables; tal...
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El estudio de impacto turístico en cuanto al empleo es de vital importancia para cualquier comunidad, dada la naturaleza socio-económica intrínseca del mismo. En el estado Mérida, hasta donde se tiene conocimiento, no existen estudios previos relacionados con este tema. En consecuencia, se...
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In this paper we propose a model to measure the intellectual capital of nations that takes into account aspects not contemplated by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is based on the observation of hidden capital as implicit generators of long term wealth, considering intangible such as human...
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This paper is about the development of the methodology used, the results and their corresponding analyses, the workshop called Knowledge Management (GC) carried out by forestry-industrial entrepreneurs. It had the fixed objective of integrating the general information and the particular...
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