Showing 21 - 30 of 134
In dem vorliegenden Beitrag wird eine erste Einschätzung zu den Auswirkungen des Konjunktur- und Krisenbewältigungspakets der Bundesregierung 'Corona-Folgen bekämpfen, Wohlstand sichern, Zukunftsfähigkeit stärken' (Stand 03.06.2020) auf die Wirtschaft und den Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland...
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Studies on labor supply have increasingly taken account of not only the actual working hours, but also of working hour preferences as well as the discrepancy between them. However, longitudinal research on this topic remains scarce. This paper contributes to the analysis of working hour...
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This study explores the relationship between firms' characteristics and their recruitment strategies. We propose a model based on a search and matching framework with two search channels: a formal channel which is costly for firms and a costless informal channel, i.e. referrals. There is a...
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We investigate whether appointing a middle management level affects startups' innovation performance. Additional hierarchical levels are often suspected to restrict innovative activities. However, founders' capacities for information processing and resource allocation are usually strongly...
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This study investigates the incidence of overeducation among graduate workers in 21 EU countries and its underlying factors based on the European Labor Force Survey 2016 (EU-LFS). Although controlling for a wide range of covariates, the particular interest lies in the role of fields of study for...
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Befürworter flexibler Arbeitszeitmodelle führen unter anderem deren positive Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit an, Gegner erwarten hingegen negative Auswirkungen. Wir untersuchen die Gesundheitseffekte selbst- und fremdbestimmter flexibler Arbeitszeiten bei deutschen Beschäftigten auf Basis des...
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This paper examines the effect of an expansion of subsidized early child care on maternal labor market outcomes. It contributes to the literature by analyzing, apart from the employment rate and agreed working hours, preferred working hours. Using the legal claim for subsidized child care...
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Labour markets in most highly developed countries are marked by rising levels of skill segregation in the production process and increasing inequalities in skill-specific employment prospects. Local human capital has a likely effect on skill specific productivity levels and employment growth....
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In this paper, I examine how family related employment interruptions for women in the FRG (Federal Republic of Germany) and the GDR (German Democratic Republic) looked like in the period prior to German reunification. Furthermore, I investigate how career interruptions developed after the German...
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Am Beispiel des wiedervereinigten Deutschlands zeigt dieser Beitrag, welche Unterschiede in den Erwerbsunterbrechungsdauern von Müttern in Ost- und Westdeutschland bestehen. Empirisch betrachten wir das Rückkehrverhalten nach Erstgeburten im Zeitraum von 1992 bis 2009. In dieser Zeit gelten in...
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