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In the framework of expected utility theory, risk attitudes are entirely capturedby the curvature of the utility function. In cumulative prospect theory (CPT) riskattitudes have an additional dimension: the weighting of probabilities. With thismodication, one question arises naturally: since...
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In this paper, we experimentally test the Modigliani-Miller theorem. Applying ageneral equilibrium approach and not allowing for arbitrage among ¯rms with differ-ent capital structure, we are able to address a question fundamental to the valuationof firms: does capital structure affect the...
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In this paper we experimentally test skewness seeking at the individuallevel. Several prospects that can be ordered with respect to the third-degreestochastic dominance (3SD) criterion are ranked by the participants of theexperiment. We find that the skewness of a distribution has a...
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Parimutuel betting markets are simplified financial markets, andcan thus provide a clearer view of pricing issues which are more complicatedelsewhere. Though empirical studies generally conclude thatthe parimutuel betting markets are surprisingly efficient, it is alsofound that for horses with...
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In a stochastic duopoly market, sellers must form state-specific aspirationsexpressing how much they want to earn given their expectationsabout the other's behavior. We define individually and mutually satisficingsales behavior for given individual beliefs and aspiration profiles. In afirst...
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We present an experimental test of a shirking model where monitoring intensityis endogenous and effort a continuous variable. Wage level, monitoring intensityand consequently the desired enforceable effort level are jointly determined bythe maximization problem of the firm. As a result,...
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To explain potential sources of wage rigidity this article analyzes a model of reciprocalkindness applied to a repeated ultimatum game with changing and nonzeroconflict payoffs. The model is also tested in a laboratory experiment. The resultsare compatible with the rentsharingapproach to wage...
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The workforce in all industrialized countries is aging. To forecast future challenges,it is important to understand the impact of a worker’s age on the labor market. In thispaper, we analyze whether older workers in Germany and Norway are treated differentlyin the hiring process. Students and...
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We investigate the gender specific inter-temporal allocation behavior ofspouses with different deterministic life expectations in an experimentwhere the gender of one's partner is known. In each period of theirlife both partners propose a consumption level one of which is thenrandomly...
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