Showing 1 - 10 of 16
Latin American sovereign bonds represent a significant share of the emerging debt class (50 per cent by early 2001) and so have considerably shaped the dynamics of this market. Recent financial turmoil, contagion episodes and investors’ renewed concerns with debt default call for a better...
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This study examines the potential impact of changes in the public/private sector balance for biotechnology development and diffusion in developing country agriculture. It focuses on biotechnology related to two important developing country crops: rice and cocoa. The study highlights the...
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In this paper we aim to answer the following two questions: <I>1) has the Common Monetary Area in Southern Africa (henceforth CMA) ever been an optimal currency area (OCA)? 2) What are the costs and benefits of the CMA for its participating countries?</I> In order to answer these questions, we carry...</i>
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Ce document technique a utilisé toutes les données disponibles sur la malnutrition des enfants dans les <I>Demographic and Health Surveys</I> de 20 pays. Il présente donc l’analyse la plus complète des facteurs de malnutrition en Afrique. Cette analyse suit l’approche standard qui fait...</i>
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A growing number of international initiatives are being undertaken to stimulate the development of agricultural biotechnology applications in developing countries. These initiatives, which include a wide range of biotechnology research, information and advisory activities, are supported by...
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Efforts to establish, test and analyse hypotheses regarding cross-country variations in women’s economic status are hampered by the lack of a readily accessible and easily used information resource on the various dimensions of gender inequality. Addressing this gap, this paper introduces the <a href=""...</a>
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The signature of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement), which entered into force on 1st January, 1995, marked a turning point in efforts to strengthen and extend intellectual property protection. Under the terms of the Agreement, many developing...
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Three novel macroeconomic policy challenges are discussed in this paper: the macroeconomic implications of China’s emergence; the implications of intensifying financial integration; and the interaction of Asia’s foreign exchange regime with monetary policy in the OECD area. First, China may...
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Ce document présente la première application du modèle macro-micro exposé dans le document technique no 1 "Macroeconomic Adjustment and Income Distribution. A macro-micro Simulation Model". Ce modèle est appliqué sur la période 1980-86 au Maroc qui a engagé un programme de stabilisation...
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Le cadre institutionnel d’un pays joue un rôle déterminant pour les femmes qui y vivent. Ce document examine les cas de quatre pays, l’Inde, le Kenya, le Soudan et la Tunisie. Dans chaque étude de cas nous avons analysé le statut des femmes ainsi que les réformes qui ont été...
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