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The monetary policy decision, as any other decision, is the product of a procedure assembling a lot of primary information, but also what type of other ingredients contribute finally to a certain monetary policy decision.
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Romanian Abstract: Coeficienţii ecuaţiilor asociate trendurilor polinomiale seriilor de timp pot fi identificaţi prin intermediul unor regresii multiple liniare. Această lucrare oferă un exemplu de estimare a parametrilor unui trend cvadratic
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Romanian Abstract: Parametrii ecuaţiilor unor trenduri neliniare pot fi estimaţi, cu ajutorul unor transformări aplicate variabilei dependente sau celei independente, prin intermediul unor regresii simple liniare. Această lucrare abordează identificarea a două tipuri de astfel de trenduri:...
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Romanian Abstract: Analiza trendului este o componentă importantă a unei investigaţii asupra evoluţiei unei variabile. Rezultatele acesteia pot servi în aprecierea tendinţei fiind utile, totodată, în prognoze. În această lucrare este abordată estimarea trendurilor seriilor de timp...
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inflation as a measure of the price level. In addition, the study sought to evaluate ipso facto the extent to which monetary … policy has influenced inflation by reducing price volatility and expectation towards zero. The study applied the maximum … likelihood estimator in addition to the GARCH (p, q model) to estimate the steady state model of inflation. As a measure of …
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Any decision is eventually the product of a procedure which requires assembling a multitude of primary information, passed through reiterative processes both of organisation and of analysis. The procedures also regard “pushing” these transformed/processed towards preparatory levels only to...
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Monetary policy should be guided by macroeconomic models with limited nominal rigidity – ‘New Classical’ or even for some issues just plain Classical (i.e. with no nominal rigidity at all) models are perfectly adequate for understanding various aspects of the economy that have previously...
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