Showing 51 - 59 of 59
A person’s credibility within an organization, for a leader especially, can’t be separated by his professional competence. This is more important if we pay attention to his position within the hierarchy, what means that he can influence to a large extent the use of existing resources, with...
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Romanian abstract: Studiul prezintă rezultatele focus-grupurilor realizate în decembrie 2019 cu studenții, profesorii Universității Tehnice ”Gheorghe Asache” din Iași, dar și cu antreprenorii care lucrează cu ei. El a măsurat satisfacțiile și insatisfacțiile fiecărui grup față...
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Romanian Abstract: Studiul prezintă rezultatele anchetelor realizate în rândul antreprenorilor, profesorilor și studenților în luna decembrie 2019 și a urmărit să măsorare investițiile în educație pentru sporirea abilităților și competențelor cerute de piața muncii, atât a...
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The anthropologists have pointed out the existence of many thinking currents and schools in the field of organizational culture. The study of this culture became more and more important as the transnational companies have developed day by day. Having in mind the process of internationalization...
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Globalization is the rapid increase in cross-border economic, social, technological exchange under the conditions of capitalism. International trade and investment have been the engines of world growth over the past 50 years. The tons of goods traded around the world have grown by 16 times since...
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­The literature devoted to economic development concerns itself in a growing de­gree with the role and importance of institutions­­­
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The paper deals with the ways how the intangible assets and other objects of intellectual property are identified and assessed at the Research Institute INFOSIT SA in order to participate at national, European and international research projects and for developing partnerships with innovative...
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This article presents the main instruments of the “management of innovation” from the Lisbon Strategy perspective …
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Irrespective of their size, companies seem to be more efficient when they compete with one another, and more creative when they co-operate. 
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