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This paper examines changes in the distribution of wages using bounds to allow for the impact of non-random selection into work. We show that bounds constructed without any economic or statistical assumptions can be informative. However, since employment rates in the UK are often low they are...
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This Paper examines changes in the distribution of wages using bounds to allow for the impact of non-random selection into work. We show that bounds constructed without any economic or statistical assumptions can be informative. Since employment rates in the UK are often low they are not...
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This paper presents a survey on panel data methods in which Iemphasize new developments. Inparticular, linear multilevel models with a new variant are discussed. Furthermore, non-linear, nonparametric and semiparametric models are analyzed. In contrast to linear models there do not exist unified...
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This paper presents a survey on recent developments in estimation methods, instrumental variables approaches, panel data models, non- and semiparametric models for micro data. Additionally, some tests in these areas are considered. Special attention is paid to problems with weak instruments,...
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This paper analyzes the career progression of skilled and unskilled workers, with a focus on how careers are affected by economic downturns and whether formal skills, acquired early on, can shield workers from the effect of recessions. Using detailed administrative data for Germany for numerous...
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We develop an equilibrium wage-posting model with heterogeneous firms that decide to locate in the formal or the informal sector and workers who search randomly on and off the job. We estimate the model on Brazilian labor force survey data. In equilibrium, firms of equal productivity locate in...
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We estimate a dynamic model of employment, human capital accumulation - including education, and savings for women in the UK, exploiting policy changes. We analyze both the incentive effects and the welfare implications of tax credits and income support programs and we account for their...
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The German model of co-determination (Mitbestimmung) with works councils, in which workers are involved in the management of a company, was a role model for other countries for many years. However, since the 1990s the appeal of works councils has been declining, to the extent that now even...
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"In 2004, the national and international debate on labor market performance forcefully made a case for more flexibility in the German labor market (OECD 1994, 2004; Heckman 2002; SVR 2002). In contrast, in 2010, experts were surprised by the flexibility of the German labor market during the world...
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The paper analyses the following questions: Does on the job training tie employees to the firm or increase the propensity to change the job? Can significant differences be observed between skill or labor force groups? Are external effects induced by on the job training, namely, does the...
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