Showing 41 - 50 of 177
Since the 1987 Single European Act, the European Union has deepened its integration process. In the case of the determination of the common external tariff, deeper integration implies that the tariff reflected union-wide preferences. If integration is still shallow, though, the observed tariff...
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The book, which is available on-line, evaluates the performance of the EU accession countries in the field of social security; disabled people and social inclusion; youth, family and generation policy matters, health policy and veterinary policies. The overall positive evaluation of the maturity...
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US poverty is much higher than poverty in Europe when a relative poverty measure is used. Using an absolute poverty measurement method, the picture looks different: poverty in some European countries is higher. This paper estimates poverty rates for all the countries of the (old) EU and the USA...
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Die Unterschiede im Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftssystem zwischen den USA und Europa waren zwar immer ausgeprägt, gewinnen aber seit dem Zusammenbruch des gemeinsamen Gegenmodells in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und in Osteuropa und dem Lissabon-Prozess zunehmend an Bedeutung. Letztens hat diese...
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Europe’s market for services is fragmented by many regulatory barriers. The Services directive proposed by the European Commission aims to integrate national services markets by reducing these barriers. Several studies indicate that bilateral trade and foreign direct investment in services...
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The European Union’s center-piece of economic policy making is the Lisbon process, which tries to make Europe the most competitive economic region in the world economy by 2010. EU Commission President Jose Manuel Durao Barroso recently presented a Centre for European Reform (CER) study that...
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One may say that the European Union is a success story: it is growing and in 2004 it witnessed the most significant enlargement in its history up to now – 10 new countries have become members;two other new countries – Romania and Bulgaria – are ready to join the Union. Beyond these...
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The European Union and Mercosur have started negotiations in 1995 with the signature of the “EU-Mercosur Interregional Framework Co-operation Agreement”. In spite of sixteen round of negotiations and a propitious textbook for trade relationships (complementary intra and inter-sectoral,...
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This study provides a contemporary understanding of demand relations in European Union (EU) international message telephone service (IMTS) markets prior to full liberalization at January 1 1998. Point-to-point demand equations that relate IMTS demand to prices, income, population and distance...
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The aim of this paper is to emphasize how the correlations between fiscal policy and economic growth are manifesting in the U.E. case. After theoretical framework, the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 tries to provide a model at micro economic level for the interconnections between...
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