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vergleichen. Basierend auf der Theorie des Resource-based View wurde dies mittels einer breit angelegten quantitativen Studie von … Unternehmen in Deutschland und oesterreich als Teil des internationalen Forschungsprojekts Cranet untersucht. …
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steigende Interesse an einer vertiefenden Diskussion ueber Ethik im Personalmanagement auf und setzt Impulse fuer Theorie und … Praxis des Personalmanagements. Die einzelnen Beitraege naehern sich der Ethik im Personalmanagement aus unterschiedlichen …
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concerning the ideal employer are becoming much more defined. In theory employer branding takes part. It is a concept of building … and the cooperation of both concepts aren’t getting the appropriate acceptation according to theory. …
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In November 2003 the Dutch HRM network held its third annual international conference at the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. Its topic was "Innovating HRM?", a multi facetted topic that can be elaborated in many ways, as the 10 different tracks of the conference testify. The...
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Economies of size have translated into much larger herd sizes and, therefore, employee bases on dairy farms throughout the Northeast. These non-family employees present managerial issues many farm managers are not accustomed to. This research quantifies and illustrates the internal pay structure...
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El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación en una empresa de servicios que ofrece seguros e inversiones a nivel nacional, localizada en Medellín. El objetivo es analizar las distintas dimensiones que hacen parte de los constructos formación y entrenamiento, prácticas...
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workers; and the results aim to contribute to streams of Organizational Theory and Human Resource Management. …
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This updated edition of the book blends in new e-commerce technologies. Mobile commerce (M-commerce) and use of cloud computing are offering a new set of challenges and opportunities for those individuals who know what they are and how they are related to e-commerce. Their use opens up new...
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