Showing 1 - 10 of 21
A vizsgált téma aktualitását indokolja, hogy az űripar ma az egyik leginnovatívabb, gyorsan fejlődő, válságokra kevésbé érzékeny, világméretekben rendkívül dinamikusan növekvő iparág. Rezilienciáját1 mutatja a 2020 tavaszától indult világméretű pandémiás járvány...
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A koronavírus-válság és a fenntartható fejlődés kihívásai szükségessé teszik az ösztönzőállam-modell hatékony működését. Jelen tanulmány e cél elérését szolgáló kutatásnak a "filozófiáját", irányait és első eredményeit mutatja be. Szemléletünkben a...
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A tanulmány bemutatja, hogy az állóeszköz-felhalmozás és a beruházás kiemelkedő növekedése kétszeresen is nagyobb volt, mint a GDP emelkedése a 2012-2018 közötti időszakban. A beruházási ráta 2018-ban elérte a 25 százalékot, szemben az Európai Unió 20,4 százalékával,...
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This study was motivated by the fact that space industry has become one of the most innovative, rapidly developing, least crisis-sensitive industries, which grows dynamically worldwide. Its resilience to shocks is quite apparent. Since the outbreak of the pandemic1 in spring 2020, the sector...
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To combat the coronavirus crisis and to deal with the challenges of sustainable development state should be more active and more efficient than before. This study presents the “philosophy”, directions, and first results of research aiming to define the new role of the state. By examining the...
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The study shows that the extraordinary growth of fixed capital formation and investment was twice higher than the increase in GDP during the period between 2012 and 2018. Investment rate reached 25 percent in 2018, compared with the European Union’s 20.4 percent; after Sweden and the Czech...
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Excessive indebtedness makes support for rehabilitation necessary for millions of households. Hungary – mainly using the experiences of European countries – introduced the institution of personal bankruptcy this year. This paper attempts to compare the European model and the US practice, the...
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This study is intended to demonstrate that the downturn in fixed capital formation and investment surpassed the decline in GDP; among the OECD countries Hungary witnessed the 9th largest shortfall of the investment rate compared to pre-crisis levels. The growth rate of Hungarian working capital...
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The article summarises the experiences of the research conducted at the Research Institute of the State Audit Office of Hungary in order to adapt the – integrity reinforcement based – Dutch methodology of risk analysis to public administration. This paper contains the results of a...
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Based on the audits conducted by the State Audit Office (SAO) and the analyses prepared by its research institute, we do not think that Hungary has such national economic planning in place by relying on which the challenges posed by our global and EU convergence can be met by comprehensive...
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