Showing 1 - 10 of 46
"Sequential strategies of assigning persons to different subsequent programmes play an important role in the activation of unemployed people through active labour market programmes. Especially for unemployment benefit II recipients it could be necessary to participate in different programmes to...
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"In 2005 major reforms of the means-tested unemployment benefit system were implemented in Germany. One element of the reforms was to activate benefit recipients by a workfare programme, the so-called One-Euro-Job programme. More than 600,000 benefit recipients entered this programme in the year...
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"In 2005 major reforms of the means-tested unemployment benefit system were implemented in Germany. One element of the reforms was to activate benefit recipients by a workfare programme, the so-called One-Euro-Job programme. More than 600,000 benefit recipients entered this programme in the year...
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"The German workfare programme 'One-Euro-Jobs' can be used for different goals. On the one hand, they aim at improving employment prospects of long-term jobless welfare recipients. On the other hand, they can also be used to test the willingness to work of welfare recipients. Based on data from...
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"Bringing welfare recipients into jobs is a major goal of German labour market policy since a reform of the year 2005. Direct job creation providing participants with temporary subsidized jobs mainly in the non-profit sector plays an important role for achieving this goal. There are three...
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"Bringing welfare recipients into jobs is a major goal of German labour market policy since a reform of the year 2005. Direct job creation providing participants with temporary subsidized jobs mainly in the non-profit sector plays an important role for achieving this goal. There are three...
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Ein-Euro-Jobs verfolgen vielfältige Zielsetzungen. Zum einen sollen sie arbeitsmarktfernen Leistungsbeziehern helfen, mittelfristig wieder auf dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt zu arbeiten. Zum anderen können sie eingesetzt werden, um die Arbeitsbereitschaft von ALG-II-Beziehern zu überprüfen. Der...
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In Germany, imposition of benefit cuts for non-compliant welfare recipients depends on the policy of the local welfare agencies resulting in considerable regional variation, expressed in milder and stricter sanction regimes. Findings from international studies show, that benefit sanctions can...
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Im Rahmen der öffentlichen Anhörung des Ausschusses für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 4. Mai 2020 gab das IAB seine Stellungnahme ab zum Antrag "Arbeitsförderung und Beratungsqualität in den Jobcentern gesetzlich verbessern" der Abgeordneten Beate Müller-Gemmeke, Sven...
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