Showing 31 - 40 of 529
In dem vorliegenden Beitrag untersuchen wir auf der Grundlage eines statischen allgemeinen Gleichgewichtsmodells die Effizienz verschiedener Gebuehrenkonzepte einer Abfall-Management-Organisation. Diese wird von den Produzenten, die fuer die Verwertung und/oder Entsorgung der Verpackungsabfaelle...
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This paper examines a Waste Management Organisation's (WMO) pricing options to implement the Pareto-efficient allocation in an economy where materials are first extracted, then used for producing a consumption good and finally recycled or landfilled. The WMO is established by the producers who...
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In der vorliegenden Studie ueberpruefen wir verschiedene Gebuehrenstrategien der Dualen System Deutschland AG (DSD) darauf hin, ob sie die pareto-effiziente Allokation in der Abfallwirtschaft implementieren. Dabei greifen wir auf eine disaggregierte Modelloekonomie zurueck, in der Material...
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The basic model of the literature on self-enforcing international environmental agreements is a model of autarkic countries. We extend that model by international trade and investigate its impact on the performance of Nash coalitions and on their stability, in particular, in a general...
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In the basic model of the literature on international environmental agreements (IEAs) (Barrett 1994; Rubio and Ulph 2006) the number of signatories of selfenforcing IEAs does not exceed three, if non-positive emissions are ruled out. We extend that model by introducing a composite consumer good and...
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In the framework of the industrial economics approach to banking we extend the analysis of hedging against default on loans to the case of two types of credit risk. Standard results on the optimal hedge volume and the hedging effectivity from the single?risk case are shown to carry over to the...
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The industrial organization approach to the microeconomics of banking augmented by uncertainty and risk aversion is used to examine credit derivatives and macro derivatives as instruments to hedge credit risk for a large com- mercial bank. In a partial-analytic framework we distinguish between...
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This paper analyzes nature protection by a social planner under different "utilitarian" social welfare functions. For that purpose we construct an integrated model of the economy and the ecosystem with explicit consideration of nonhuman species and with competition between human and nonhuman...
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In an integrated economy-ecosystem model humans choose their land use and leave the residual land as habitat for three species forming a food chain. The size of habitat determines the diversity and abundance of species. That biodiversity generates, in turn, a flow of ecosystem services with...
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Predator-prey models of the Lotka-Volterra type and their refinements describe predator-prey interactions taking populations as basic units of analysis. In contrast to these macro models we derive interdependent population growth functions of a predator and a prey species from a micro ecosystem...
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