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This report presents an assessment of possible greenhouse gas emission reduction pathways made feasible by global action and a transition to a low-carbon energy system in Europe by 2030. It analyses trends and projections for emissions of greenhouse gases and the development of underlying trends...
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This report is a broad assessment of soil conditions in the pan-European region. It describes the degradation of soil, its relevance in the European and global contexts, and the links between soil and sustainable development. The report is mainly addressed to policy makers and the general public.
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Data and information for this report were provided by twelve countries to enable the Agency to successfully test the proposed EUROWATERNET methodology for demonstrating the state and trends of groundwater in selected groundwater bodies with reference to nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and dissolved...
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This report describes the work carried out by the European Topic Centre on Inland Waters in 1999 and highlights the progress made.
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Die Absicht dieses Berichts ist es, Ministern, Beamten, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und sonstigen Personen, die ein Interesse am Schutz unserer Gewässer haben, einen allgemeinen Überblick über die wichtigsten Wasserprobleme in Europa zu geben. Er ist eine Zusammenfassung der Arbeit der...
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This report is intended to give ministers, senior civil servants, other policy-makers and others with an interest to protect our waters a broad overview of the major water issues in Europe. It represents a distillation of the work undertaken by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its...
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This report is intended to give ministers, senior civil servants, other policy-makers and others with an interest to protect our waters a broad overview of the major water issues in Europe. It represents a distillation of the work undertaken by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its...
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This report has been prepared in the framework of the EEA annual work programme, as part of the work plan of the former European Topic Centre on Soil. It contains a proposal for the establishment of a comprehensive framework for monitoring, assessing and reporting on soil conditions in Europe.
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This report contains a summary of EEA work on the development of a European soil monitoring and assessment framework for soil since 1999. The framework is being designed as a basis for the work needed to support policy developments within the European Community as well as the EEA reporting...
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This report contains the proceedings and follow-up to date of the second workshop on contaminated sites held in Dublin in November 1999. The report analyses the results of a test regional data collection and presents a proposal for regional indicators on contaminated sites.
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