Showing 1 - 10 of 99
Die Erholung der deutschen Wirtschaft wird abermals ausgebremst. Das Infektionsgeschehen im Winterhalbjahr hemmt wie in früheren Wellen besonders die Aktivität in den kontaktintensiven Dienstleistungsbranchen. Im Ergebnis wird es zu einem Rückschlag bei den privaten Konsumausgaben kommen und...
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The recovery of the German economy is interrupted once again. In the winter, the new Covid-19 wave will particularly hit activity in contact-intensive service sectors as in previous waves. As a result, there will be a setback in private consumer spending and probably also small declines in GDP....
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Das Wachstum des Produktionspotenzials in Deutschland flacht sich zunehmend ab und dürfte am Ende der Mittelfrist im Jahr 2026 nur noch knapp 0,8 Prozent betragen. Damit würde es sich gegenüber seinem Zwischenhoch im Jahre 2017 fast halbieren. Auch das Pro-Kopf-Wachstum wird in der mittleren...
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Die deutsche Wirtschaft ist abermals heftigem Gegenwind ausgesetzt. Der Krieg in der Ukraine führt zu hohen Rohstoffpreisen, neuen Lieferengpässen und schwindenden Absatzmöglichkeiten. Die hohen Rohstoffpreise verringern die Kaufkraft der verfügbaren Einkommen und dämpfen damit den privaten...
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The German economy is once again facing strong headwinds. The war in Ukraine is leading to a surge in commodity prices, additional supply bottlenecks and dwindling sales opportunities. These factors are hitting the economy in a phase in which the dampening effects of the pandemic are fading out...
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Deviations of policy interest rates from the levels implied by the Taylor rule have been persistent before the financial crisis and increased especially after the turn of the century. Compared to the Taylor benchmark, policy rates were often too low. This paper provides evidence that both...
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Abstract. Deviations of policy interest rates from the levels implied by the Taylor rule have been persistent after the turn of the century even before the financial crisis. These deviations could be due to lower real interest rates, as stated by the savings glut hypothesis as well as the...
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Deviations of policy interest rates from the levels implied by the Taylor rule have been persistent before the financial crisis and increased especially after the turn of the century. Compared to the Taylor benchmark, policy rates were often too low. This paper provides evidence that both...
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