Showing 91 - 100 of 386
Choosing an appropriate equivalence scale is a prerequisite for comparisons of economic wellbeing income distribution, inequality or poverty. This is true for country specific work or for cross-national comparisons. Researchers generally either use a country specific equivalence scale (social...
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German and United States data from the Luxembourg Income Study are used to compare the relative economic well-being of Germans and Americans in the 1980s. In our analysis we use both official equivalence scales and consumption-based country-specific equivalence scales developed for Germany and...
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Seit dem Jahr 2000 sinken die von der Gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung (GRV) ausgezahlten individuellen Beträge fur männliche Neurentner. Wer heute in Rente geht, erhält im Schnitt sieben Prozent weniger als jemand, der noch vor zehn Jahren in den Ruhestand wechselte. Gleichzeitig nimmt die...
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This paper deals with the question of selectivity of missing data on income questions in large panel surveys due to item-non-response and with imputation as one alternative strategy to cope with this issue. In contrast to cross-section surveys, the imputation of missing values in panel data can...
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The definition and operationalization of wealth information in population surveys and the corresponding microdata requires a wide range of more or less normative assumptions. However, the decisions made in both the pre- and post-data-collection stage may interfere consid-erably with the...
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This paper deals with the question of selectivity of missing data on income questions in large panel surveys due to item-non-response and with imputation as one alternative strategy to cope with this issue. In contrast to cross-section surveys, the imputation of missing values in panel data can...
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Die Schicht der Bezieher mittlerer Einkommen ist in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich geschrumpft. Ihr Anteil an der gesamten Bevölkerung ging von 62 Prozent im Jahr 2000 auf 54 Prozent 2006 zurück. Entsprechend gestiegen ist der Bevölkerungsanteil an den Rändern der...
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German and United States data from the Luxembourg Income Study are used to compare the relative economic well-being of Germans and Americans in the 1980s. In our analysis we use both official equivalence scales and consumption-based country-specific equivalence scales developed for Germany and...
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Between 1991 and 2015, the real disposable, needs-adjusted income of persons in private households in Germany rose by 15 percent on average. The majority of the population has benefited from the growth in real income, but the groups at the lower end of the income distribution have not....
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Zwischen 1991 und 2015 sind die verfügbaren bedarfsgewichteten Einkommen der Personen in privaten Haushalten in Deutschland real im Durchschnitt um 15 Prozent gestiegen. Der größte Teil der Bevölkerung hat von diesen realen Einkommenszuwächsen profitiert, die Gruppen am unteren Ende der...
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