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In this paper we introduce several test statistics of testing the null hypotheses of a random walk (with or without drift) against models that accommodate a smooth nonlinear shift in the level, the dynamic structure, and the trend. We derive analytical limiting distributions for all tests....
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In this paper we derive tests for parameter constancy when the data generating process is non-stationary against the hypothesis that the parameters of the model change smoothly over time. To obtain the asymptotic distributions of the tests we generalize many theoretical results, as well as new...
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In this article we derive a parameter constancy test of a stationary vector autoregressive model against the hypothesis that the parameters of the model change smoothly over time. A single structural break is contained in this alternative hypothesis as a special case. The test is a...
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In this paper we present a unit root test against a nonlinear dynamic heterogenous panel with each cross section modelled as an LSTAR model. All parameters are viewed as cross section specific. We allow for serially correlated residuals over time and heterogenous variance among cross sections....
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In this paper we derive a unit root test against a Panel Logistic Smooth Transition Autoregressive (PLSTAR). The analysis is concentrated on the case where the time dimension is fixed and the cross section dimension tends to infinity. Under the null hypothesis of a unit root, we show that the...
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This paper studies a smooth-transition (ST) type cointegration. The proposed ST cointegration allows for regime switching structure in a cointegrated system, and nests the linear cointegration developed by Engle and Granger (1987) and the threshold cointe- gration studied by Balke and Fomby...
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This paper studies a special class of vector smooth-transition autoregressive (VS- TAR) models containing common nonlinear features (CNFs). To test the existence of CNFs in a VSTAR model, a triangular representation for such a system containing CNFs is proposed. A procedure of testing CNFs in a...
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Nonnegativety constraints on the parameters of the GARCH (p, Q) model may be relaxed without giving up the requirement of the conditional variance remaining non- negative with probability one. This paper looks into the consequences of adopting these less severe constraints in the GARCH (2,2)...
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In this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the unconditional fourth moment of the GARCH (p, q) process is given as well as an expression for the moment itself. Furthermore, the autocorrelation function of the centred and squared observations of this process is...
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In this paper we consider the third-moment structure of a class of nonlinear time series models. Empirically it is often found that the marginal distribution of financial time series is skewed. Therefore it is of importance to know what properties a model should possess if it is to accommodate...
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