Showing 41 - 50 of 230
In what ways can changes to the structure of regulation (as well as other regulatory reforms) mitigate the effects of policies which trigger financial instability? More specifically policies, information asymmetries or externalities which could give rise to bank contagion, systemic/liquidity...
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The need for a supra national model which embraces and provides for social rights of individual Member States is becoming more apparent amidst the ever intensifying integration process within the EU and its involvement in areas which have been undermined by an economic model. This paper...
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As well as highlighting the importance of introducing counter cyclical capital buffers, this paper draws attention to the need for greater focus on “more forward looking provisions”, as well as provisions which are aimed at addressing losses and unforeseen problems attributed to “maturity...
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(Approximation by Moving Equilibrium). The analysis of multivariate dynamical models can sometimes be considerably simplified by the assumption that one or several variables move infinitely fast to their equilibrium values. The method is known as the 'moving equilibrium method'. Various...
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Wage formation is often analyzed by assuming that wage differentials reflect productivity differentials intrinsic to the workers, like differences in skill or qualification. Observed industry and firm effects on wages suggests, however, that wage differentials may result from causes rather...
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This paper develops a theory of stagflation, based on turnover-efficiency-wage theory. In these theories, wages are forward-looking, i.e., set to keep incumbents with the firm. The employed workers apply for better jobs and compete with unemployed applicants. An employed applicant is, however,...
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The analysis of multivariate dynamical models can sometimes be considerably simplified by the assumption that one or several variables move infinitely fast to their equilibrium values. The method is known as the ‘moving equilibrium method’. Various dynamical theories that build on...
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The primary argument of this paper is, namely, that the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), is in need of an enforcement mechanism. In drawing attention to this argument, the paper not only proposes considerations which are to be taken into account if such a mechanism is to be...
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Ethics, respect for others and integrity (embracing respect for the law), should definitely be pre requisites for leadership. Unfortunately many so called leaders do not understand or practise these values. Some leaders who are held with high regard and esteem at the workplace are prepared to...
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During the recent Financial Crisis, as well as the 2010 and ongoing European Sovereign Debt Crisis, several governments had/have had to raise their debt levels in order to stabilize their economies. The principal problem attributed to sovereign debts, which is linked to their characteristics, is...
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