Showing 11 - 20 of 40
Die Ampel-Koalition plant die Abschaffung der Lohnsteuerklassenkombination III und V für Ehepaare. Dadurch sollen die hohen Lohnsteuerbelastungen von zweitverdienenden EhepartnerInnenn in der Steuerklasse V vermieden werden. Bei der dann geltenden Lohnsteuerklassenkombination IV/IV sinken die...
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This essay aims to discuss the conditions for a successful implementation of the European Youth Guarantee in Italy. In principle, the program should be able to affect the frictional and mismatch components of unemployment, if not the Keynesian and neoclassical ones, as the experience of...
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Die starken Einschränkungen des Kita- und Schulbetriebs infolge der Corona-Pandemie stellen in Deutschland mehr als vier Millionen Familien mit erwerbstätigen Eltern vor große Probleme, was die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie angeht. Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) aus...
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Vor zwei Jahren hat das DIW Berlin das Modell der Familienarbeitszeit vorgestellt. Es sieht eine Lohnersatzleistung für Familien vor, in denen sich beide Partner für eine reduzierte Vollzeittätigkeit (etwa 80 Prozent einer Vollzeitstelle) entscheiden. Die vorliegende Studie entwickelt dieses...
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in a childcare facility or family day care. What effects does this have on the mothers' economic activity and child … mothers' gainful employment of up to two percentage points in the short term. The share of younger children in state … skills of children aged two to three and the socio-emotional behavior of elementary school students from families with a low …
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According to current survey results the reconciliation of family and work is still very difficult for a lot of parents …. Most parents seek to share gainful employment and family duties more equally. Yet, financial incentives often favor the … Foundation DIW Berlin has investigated the behavioral effects and related costs of a new benefit for 'family working time' which …
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the first study to systematically and comprehensively evaluate the key instruments of German family policy. The evaluation … focused on the following family-policy goals: securing families' financial stability, better reconciliation of family and … career, early support for children, fulfilling the desire to have children, and compensating for inequalities between …
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More and more children in Germany attend formal day care. How does family policy influence this attendance? Which … effect do particular family policies have and in how far do these effects differ among different family types? This question … significantly influences the attendance formal day care and that it does so to a larger extent than all of the other examined family …
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Women are less willing than men to compete against others. This gender gap can partially explain the differences … striving towards gender equality, this opens up new possibilities for institutionalizing competitive pressure. …
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bekannt sind etwa die Gender Gaps bei Verdiensten und Renten. Dieser Wochenbericht zeigt, dass es eine Ausnahme gibt: Beim …
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