Showing 1 - 10 of 18
Im Jahre 2008 führte die Beratende Kommission für den industriellen Wandel (CCMI)des EWSA eine Reihe von Seminaren durch, um Informationen über die wichtigstenMeilensteine der Veränderungen der Grundzüge der Wirtschaft in den Ländern MittelundOsteuropas zusammenzutragen. Das Ziel bestand...
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On 1 May 2004, ten countries became members of the European Union. The addition of Cyprus, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland and Slovenia brings the total number of Member States to 25. Although the EU has successfully integrated new countries on...
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The European Union played a pivotal role in the launch of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM), which was developed and negotiated with the participation of a wide range of stakeholders from more than 140 countries. It was adopted by the United Nations Environment...
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In the literature, growth is discussed as a key value lever within the framework of value-basedmanagement as it creates opportunities to generate additional free cash flow and thus to increase thevalue of the company. However, opportunities for high growth rates, for example through...
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The traditional approach to measuring allocative efficiency is based on input prices, which are rarely known at the firm level. This paper proposes a new approach to measure allocative efficiency which is based on the output-oriented distance to the frontier in a profit technical efficiency...
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Die Hans-Böckler-Stiftung hat die Weiterbildungs-Stiftung und das RKW Kompetenzzentrum mit einer Pilotstudiezur Personalentwicklung Älterer in der chemischen Industrie beauftragt.Die Gründe für die im internationalen Vergleich immer noch sehr niedrige Erwerbsquote der 55- bis64-jährigen in...
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Die HA Hessen Agentur GmbH fertigt im Rahmen ihrer laufenden Branchenbeobachtungim Auftrag des Hessischen Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Verkehr undLandesentwicklung Branchenprofile für bedeutende hessische Industriezweige an.Ziel dieser Profile ist es, in kompakter Form einen datengestützten...
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Die Metropolregion FrankfurtRheinMain mit ihren innovativen Unternehmen und dem breiten Angebot an wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen gehört zu den wirtschaftsstärksten Regionen in Europa. Die Leitbranche im Dienstleistungsbereich sind Finanzwesen, Beratung, Logistik, Medien, Information und...
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The intensive concern with customer needs and problems is one of the key contributors to the success of innovation management. During the seventies, numerous procedures were devel-oped, in theory as well as in practice. These procedures entered literature as so called “need-assessment“...
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