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Research and Development (R&D) and innovation are crucial features of the seed industry. To supportlarge R …
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We develop a model with one innovating northern firm and heterogeneous southernfirms that compete in a final product market. We assume southern firms differ in their intrinsiccosts and their ability to adapt technology and study southern incentives to protect intellectualproperty rights. We find...
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This paper describes major external changes to the U.S. public agricultural researchsystem over 1988-1999; describes the reactions of the public agricultural research system to theexternal changes, specifying the innovations that have occurred over the last decade; and drawsconclusions about the present...
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, efficiency considerations imply that, given policies resulting inthe same overall innovation rate, it would be better to have …
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We find little support for the Schumpeterian hypothesis of a positiverelationship between market power and innovation … viewed as arisinglargely from the difficulties of reaping the benefits of innovation rather thanfrom a failure to innovate …
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Unternehmen im produzierenden Bereich sehen sich einem erhöhten Preis- und Wettbewerbsdruck gegenüber. Gewinnmargen liegen bei Produktherstellern immer weniger im physischen Produkt als in dazugehörigen Dienstleistungen. Doch auch Dienstleistungsunternehmen stehen in zunehmendem Wettbewerb.[...]
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Research has shown that idea competitions are apromising approach for integrating customers intoopen innovation … activities. Furthermore research onopen innovation shows that most innovations are theresult of intensive collaboration processes …
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„GemeinschaftsgestützteInnovationsentwicklung für Softwareunternehmen“ (GENIE)1 vorgestellt,das durch intelligenten IT-Einsatz Open Innovation-Konzepte indie …
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Epistemic arguments play a significant role in Hayek’s defense of market liberalism. Hisclaim that market competition is a discovery procedure that serves the common good is acase in point. The hypothesis of the markets’ efficient use of existing knowledge issupplemented by the idea that...
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Neue Technologien und Innovationen stellen heutzutage wichtige Schlüsselelemente derWachstums‐ und Erfolgssicherung von Unternehmen dar. Durch einen in Geschwindigkeitund Intensität immer schneller zunehmenden Wettbewerb nehmen Innovationen eine immerzentralere Rolle im Praxisalltag von...
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