Showing 21 - 30 of 233
We re-examine the view that a ban on price discrimination in input markets is particularly desirable in the presence of buyer power. This argument crucially depends on an inverse relationship between downstream firms' profits and the uniform input price. Assuming different input efficiencies...
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This paper develops the hypothesis that the inclusion of multiple objectives into laws widens the discretionary powers of executive institutions. As the decision how to balance trade-offs is removed from the political to the executive sphere, policy making becomes less transparent and also less...
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We examine how different pass-through rates, from input- to final consumer prices, and different vertical contracts affect upstream market definition. Our theory model predicts that, under reasonable conditions, higher pass-through rates lead to definitions of larger upstream markets. Data...
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Dieser Beitrag untersucht den Wettbewerb zwischen Gewerkschaften auf der Grundlage der Nash-Verhandlungstheorie. Es wird sowohl zwischen indirektem und direktem Wettbewerb als auch zwischen Tarifkonkurrenz und Tarifpluralität unterschieden. Als besonders ökonomisch problematisch werden zwei...
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Dieser Beitrag diskutiert die wettbewerbliche Einschätzung von Nachfragemacht im Handel. Die Bewertung von Nachfragemacht hängt maßgeblich davon ab, ob Beschaffungsmärkte dem Bild des Monopsons mit einer fragmentierten Anbieterstruktur oder dem Bild bilateraler Verhandlungen gleichen. Wenn...
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The question how mergers affect innovation has gained prominence in a number of recent merger cases. Accounting for the likely effects of mergers on innovation is difficult for a number of reasons though. First of all, the relationship between market concentration and innovation is far from...
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Markets, where buyers and sellers can exchange goods and services, are key to the division of labor, specialisation, the realisation of economies of scale and scope and, therefore, economic prosperity, growth and development. The better markets work the easier it is to reap the benefits of...
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